Meals on Wheels

The Cardston & District FCSS and the Chinook Lodge work in conjunction to offer a Meals on Wheels program in the Town of Cardston.

The Meals on Wheels program provides nutritious and affordable meals to your door, providing you with hot lunches Monday - Friday. Meals on Wheels are still delivered to your door even if a holiday falls on a weekday. This service is offered on both a short-term and long-term basis. Meals can be received 1-5 days a week, depending of individual choice.

Meals on Wheels, is a volunteer-based community support service for individuals to help them maintain their health and independence at home. The Cardston & District Handibus delivers the meals. This program also serves as a check-in service on the wellbeing of the recipient and provides social contact.

The meals are prepared by the Chinook Lodge, and the cost for the hot lunch is $10.00 per meal.

Who can receive Meals on Wheels?  Individuals, who by receiving nutritional support are better able to maintain independence and well-being in their own homes, including: 

  •  Seniors

  • Adults - who are chronically ill, living with physical or mental disability, convalescing from surgery or illness, or undergoing medical treatment

For more information or to apply for meals, contact Cathy Moore at 403-894-7598 or by email at